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1. Cranes represents love and luck in Japanese culture!

2. Origami cranes were sent abroad to the International Space Station to represent hope!

3. The crane is the National Bird of Uganda!

4. Before becoming an astronaut, psychologists test how they deal with folding a thousand origami cranes!

5. Eleven crane species are endangered!


1. Pandas spend 14 hours of each day eating bamboo!

2. Pandas have 6 fingers on each paw!

3. Mother pandas cannot take care of twin babies!

4. Pandas have lived on Earth for 2 or 3 million years!

5. Pandas are at risk of becoming extinct!


1. Butterflies taste with their feet!

2. Butterflies live on all-liquid diet!

3. Butterflies are nearsighted but they can see colours!

4. Butterflies cannot fly if they are cold!

5. More than 20 types of butterflies are endangered!

JA Central Ontario
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